
Beautiful things for you and your home!

Lots of homely thoughts on sewing, baking, papercrafts, gardening and all the things that go towards making your house a home

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Baking Chocolate Chip Cookies

Choc chip cookies are rather a favourite of my hubby, and as I seem to have collected a few different recipes for them, I thought I would make a start on whittling them down to the best one.

This recipe is one I've had a while, and I think it was from Prima magazine originally. I have to say that the picture they showed was a lot more brown and chocolately looking than mine, even though I followed the recipe to the letter.

Apologies - I cannot find a way to make this picture go upright on this post.
Hopefully you still get the idea!

As you can see, mine were just a normal colour rather than the deep chocolately brown shown in the magazine picture. So, not sure what went on there. They aren't the traditional sort of flat cookies like you might buy in a bag in a supermarket - these are more like a cross between a cake and a biscuit. And, by the way, they were a hit!

Does anyone have a favourite choc chip cookie recipe - and why is it your favourite? I'd love to hear from you!

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Carrot Cake - Delia Smith Style

I often wonder how the first carrot cake came about. I mean, it's not the first ingredient that comes to mind when you think about a baking a cake. I've also made courgette cake and thought the same sort of thing.

There was a particular recipe I used to use which involved separating the eggs, and folding in the whisked egg whites to the main mixture. It resulted in a very yummy cake, but it was a bit fiddly. So when I came across a recipe called Caroline's Carrot Cake in Delia Smith's Book of Cakes, I thought I'd give it a whirl.

I've made it a tonne of times since and I have to say it's been a total hit. There's no separating of the eggs, and it's one of the few carrot cakes that doesn't involve a cream cheese topping. I have to say that I actually like that sort of topping but it's not the most portable. Put a slice of that in a lunchbox and you tend to find there's more icing around the inside of the box than on the top of the cake.

Carrot Cake and Blueberry Muffins

The topping of this one is made with orange juice, which is left to soak into the cake once it comes out of the oven. This makes much more of a portable cake, if you're thinking of making it for lunchboxes or picnics. I've also made it without putting on any sort of topping and no complaints so far!

Do you have a favourite recipe for this old favourite? I'd love to hear!

I'm certainly a Delia fan amd have made a lot of cakes from this book, it's definitely one of my favourites, and I'd highly recommend it (Amazon have it here)

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Blueberry muffins

Another of the recipes to add to the Jubilee Baking Project pile is blueberry muffins. This particular recipe is adapted from the Summer Fruit Muffins recipe in Susan Reimer's book 'Muffins - Fast and Fantastic'. I've had this book for years, and it gets used a LOT! You can our favourite recipes by which pages are the muckiest! My copy looks like this but it looks like there's a snazzier version with pictures also available now. It's a book I highly recommend.

Needless to say, they didn't last long!

Monday, 2 July 2012

Bad Blogger!

I know, I know. I am a Bad Blogger! There's been rather more of a gap between posts on both this, and my writing blog ( Life got a bit hectic (well, more hectic than usual) and this combined with some under-the-weather scenarios on my part, and a poorly laptop hasn't done well for my blogging.

So, please accept my apologies and I do promise to do better (I feel like I should be doing a Girl Guide salute, even though I only made it as far as Brownies, but I seem to think that the Promise was the same... I promise to do my best...).

I have been undertaking various baking adventures, so have some more pics of the results to upload. The tomatoes are coming on apace in the garden, although some flippin' Summer Type Weather wouldn't go amiss if any of the Weather Gods are reading this.

Sewing has been a little sparse lately due to me being 'between machines'. I have a shortlist of ones I want to try before I invest, but it's finding time to do that (and waiting for deals!) so in the meantime, I have been pondering on whether to get the prep work done on a bunch of various projects so that as and when a new machine is welcomed into the fold, I can just get whizzing. I mean, the cutting out is really the tedious bit, isn't it? Anyone have any other ideas how I can keep the creative sewing juices going until I can actually sew?

Thanks again for sticking round, and I'll be posting again shortly. And don't forget to let me know about those good ideas!